Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2010 Jewish Chicks Rock begins at Barney!

Welcome to the South!
Camp Barney Medintz is our first stop...

But first, allow me to introduce the band, pictured below:
You'll be seeing them all summer, so you should probably get to know their names and faces.

Hagar Ben Ari (bass), Glenn Grossman (drums), Me, Shahar Mintz (guitar)
These are not only some of the best musicians in NY, but the WORLD!
And here they are behind the scenes! Click Here

Our first stop was amazing.
Glenn and I worked with the Alufim'ers (8th grade) on songwriting, recording and drumming and were excited to rock out with the band for the teen campers at night. Here are some of the Alufim'ers hard at work on songs about their theme for the summer, Tikkun Olam (Repair the world). Here are a couple of examples!

So, we're ready to rock, and unfortunately, it seems mother nature had other plans. The heavens opened up on the newly repaired, freshly painted and sound-equipped "Chippy" (the ampitheater) and Jim Mittenthal and his amazing team, wisely made the decision to call the show after our second number. Glad to be away from the electronics in the middle of a LIGHTNING storm, but sad to disappoint everyone - especially such a high energy, rocking out group of teens.
Here's some video of the eeeeerie sky!

But that didn't stop Camp Barney - they know how to rock in ANY weather!

Thanks to Marissa, Udi, Steven, Matt, Bradley, Barry, Susan, Jim, ALUFIM and so many others for an awesome opening to the tour!

Next Stop: Camp wise!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jewish Chick Baby Rockers!!!

This just in...
Youngest Jewish Chick Rockers in Chicago to date dancing to "Dah" (know)!

Some of my favorite moments
:36 - Hallel is headbanging
2:40 - a little interpretive choreography to connect to the words

You just HAVE to watch this here!

Thanks to Rabbi Heather Altman, or RAV YOGA for this great video!
Check out her amazing work HERE

Friday, June 11, 2010

Interview with Rew and Who?...

Last Wednesday, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Rew and Who on internet tv.
Rew is an amazing independent artist, entrepreneur and (Jewish) chick rocker who doesn't let a thing go by - you have to be on your toes for her interviews. Was a ton of fun. (She even got me to mention a skeleton in my closet. Yes, we all have them.)

Mentions in this video (formerly known as "shout outs") to:
- Jewish Camps in Ohio, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Georgia
- Glenn Grossman and Mahavatar - one of the top rated Metal bands in NYC.

Rew rocks...

Here's the link to the INTERVIEW...

Next posting we'll be starting the Summer Jewish Chicks Rock tour!