Friday, August 8, 2008

Who will rock at CAJE?

I'm just so excited to be heading off to CAJE conference in about two days. The band is coming with me and will tear down the walls at the University of VT's Brennan's Cafe at 8:45pm on Monday the 11th of August.

The big question - will there be other Jewish chicks that rock there?

Send 'em my way!



Esther Kustanowitz said...

Oh, there were chicks who rocked. One special one on stage comes to mind. And then there were those of us who rocked out in the audience.

Laura said...

OMG...Naomi you were awesome...I broughtlo my young rockers with me (front and center) and they had a blast...been listening to your CD over and over...Rosie and Belin's faves are: Elohai...Responsibility...Meshuga.

I'm partial to Elohai...Responsibility (having been privy to a recording session of that...and it keeps pulling on my heartstrings) and the Real Me...whoah...haven't we all felt that way, like a million times! Rock on Sister!
Laura, Belin and Rosie

Unknown said...

wow, two women who truly rock commenting on the site - Esther and Laura with her mini-rockers Belin and Rosie! Thank you for the words and the openness!