Wednesday, May 27, 2009

On the Radio tonight

Oddly enough...I was interviewed on a net radio station that is focused on wrestling.
Associate Producer of "The Wrestler" and radio host Evan Ginsburg had me on his show tonight.
If you go to the link here, "The Real Me" - my rock tune about really being yourself - the real you - is playing on the site. Click Here!

The archive of the show should be available in a couple of days.
- ageism in the music industry
- double standards of female image in the music industry versus male
- anti-semitism and zenophobia
- a bit about my mission

It was super fun to speak with someone with such a fabulous knowledge of music and the world.

Please do check out his weekly show (every wednesday.)

Here's the link again: Legends Radio

If you want to listen to the full version of The Real Me, you can visit my website!
Lemme know what you think!

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