Sunday, July 25, 2010

Camp Pembroke - these girls can rock!

Sorry for the delay of game. It's been a fantastic non-stop leg of the tour.

Camp Pembroke - all-girls Jewish Camp in Pembroke Massachusetts. This is one of two (or maybe three) trans-denominational Jewish camps for girls!

Aside from the amazing amazing creativity of the Eilat and Dimona girls (3rd/4th grade) - examples below, I had some incredible time with the older girls. We talked about music lyrics and the images they portray around gender - both positive and negative. I'm so pleased to hear the resilient attitudes and comments from the 9th grade girls!

Here's what could be the new Camp Pembroke song!!!
Cheers to Ellen Felcher, Sue, and the amazing rest of the staff there doing incredible work!

Next stop.... CAMP JORI!

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