Crane Lake's new director, Debby Shriber, veteran Asst. Director Brian Mitchell and their incredibly gifted songleader Rebecca Schwartz - well, you know how this camp has made its mark on the Jewish Camp world.
We spent a gorgeous Shabbat together - singing, praying, composing and playing.
Then, the band girls (Hagar on bass, and Bat Or on guitar) joined up with Glenn and me to rock the house down on Havdallah and our full length concert.
here are some highlights.
- fri night beautiful services with an amazing songleading team in the beit am
- songsession rocked it and israeli dance - well, let's just say, i learned and relearned quite a few
- writing sessions with the oldest and youngest campers - both had very important things to say!
- havdallah - Jewish Chicks Rock-style
and then, of course, the concert!!!!!
At the concert, campers were going MESHUGA'AT!
And here are some of the older campers working on their original
song about being themselves!!
Thanks so much, CLC!
Rock out the rest of your summer!
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