Monday, July 26, 2010

Camp Coleman - there are no words...

Well, try capturing a lifetime of experiences in one short blog post.
Sure, we did songwriting. Sure we did some workshops and programming...

But more than that, we made fantastic connections with so many people over the weekend.

Not only were the campers so amazing and smart and thoughtful (shout out to G6 girls and to the 7/8th grade girls, the 9th grade girls, Machon girls, well, BASICALLY all of the teen girls!), but the staff rocked it, and the camp committee was there as well, so I got to meet all of the people who really overtly show their love for this camp all year round!!

So a couple of things...
1. I HAVE to share the cutest lyrics from the "Frog song" the kids wrote (see all the way below)
2. I really want to share this video - talk about RUACH for YISRAEL - look at the ENTIRE camp singing and dancing to Tutim by Ethnix!! Check this out!
First read the words here

Now, watch this video!
Chorus Translation: Strawberries, strawberries, come we'll buy only strawberries
Instead of other war-machines.

THANKS, COLEMAN!!! Have a great rest of the summer!!

Camp Coleman Songwriting Experience! LYRICS ....

Verse (written by Sophie Hecker, G1A; Danny Marks, B3B and Ashley Osiason, G2A)

When frogs come out at night

Some kids are filled with fright

Frogs like to get ahead

They never want to go to bed

Pre-Chorus (written by Lance Madow, B3B; Dani Tylim, G1A and Marlee Gordon, G4A)

What are the stories of your childhood?

Can you please tell me?

Have you ever caught a frog?

Just listen and you’ll see…

Chorus (written by Dot, aka: Rianna Saslow, G2A; Jonah Miller, B3B and Noa Hechtman (G4A)

When night falls the bugs might sleep

But the frog won’t really slumber

The people might get rest tonight

But the frogs stay up late all night

When night falls the bugs might sleep

But the frog won’t really slumber

‘cause they’re having a party out of sight

Before the nighttime turns to light

Verse (writeen by Zeke Lafevers, B7A; Carly Novell, G1A and Emma Fiore, G3B)

As I walk back to my cabin at night

The sounds of the frogs gives me a fright

I almost ran but then I thought twice

‘cause the cute little froggies shone in the moonlight


What are the stories of your childhood?

Can you please tell me?

Have you ever caught a frog?

Just listen and you’ll see…


When night falls the bugs might sleep

But the frog won’t really slumber

The people might get rest tonight

But the frogs stay up late all night

When night falls the bugs might sleep

But the frog won’t really slumber

‘cause they’re having a party out of sight

Before the nighttime turns to light

Sunday, July 25, 2010

CAMP JORI - what is UP????

Wow, first time visting Camp Jori - what a close-knit community, what ruach!

I met some fantastic staff who truly cared about their campers and were SUPER helpful in songwriting with the kids.

Here's some fun we had together:

Here's what the girls had to say about their experience working COLLABORATIVELY on songwriting and recording:

And of course, a CONCERT HIGHLIGHT. What would a blog post be without that!

Thanks for the pizza, the cheering, the focus and creativity you showed and the hugs and warmth!

well, we're out of order now, but CAMP LOUISE, you're on deck!

Camp Pembroke - these girls can rock!

Sorry for the delay of game. It's been a fantastic non-stop leg of the tour.

Camp Pembroke - all-girls Jewish Camp in Pembroke Massachusetts. This is one of two (or maybe three) trans-denominational Jewish camps for girls!

Aside from the amazing amazing creativity of the Eilat and Dimona girls (3rd/4th grade) - examples below, I had some incredible time with the older girls. We talked about music lyrics and the images they portray around gender - both positive and negative. I'm so pleased to hear the resilient attitudes and comments from the 9th grade girls!

Here's what could be the new Camp Pembroke song!!!
Cheers to Ellen Felcher, Sue, and the amazing rest of the staff there doing incredible work!

Next stop.... CAMP JORI!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kingswood - 9th of Av - magnificent campers

I must say, Kingswood is probably our shortest stay of all the camps we're visiting this summer, but I can't tell you HOW MOVED I was by the words and spirit of the campers we worked with today.

It was the 9th of Av - and in my talk with a group of older campers about "senseless hatred" they created a song with magnificently powerful lyrics about discrimination, and "paving your own road" - not blindly following the leader.

Here are some examples:
Verse 1:
"I'm here on the floor in an empty room
There's nowhere to look and nothing to do
Discrimination hurts; discrimination stings"

Verse 2:
"Stay away from people
who lead you astray
Stop acting like a puppet
and throw the strings away"

And in addition to working with these talented, deep, amazing campers, Glenn ran a jam session (i got to play keys, a novelty for me!), I taught storytelling to an amazing group of new storytellers and last but not least...

I shared some music w/8, 9 and 10th grade girls during an intimate rest hour acoustic concert.

Thanks so much, Kingswood, for such a special day!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Crane Lake ROCKED!

Wow - such ruach. Such talented songwriting. Such a superstar lead staff team:
Crane Lake's new director, Debby Shriber, veteran Asst. Director Brian Mitchell and their incredibly gifted songleader Rebecca Schwartz - well, you know how this camp has made its mark on the Jewish Camp world.

We spent a gorgeous Shabbat together - singing, praying, composing and playing.

Then, the band girls (Hagar on bass, and Bat Or on guitar) joined up with Glenn and me to rock the house down on Havdallah and our full length concert.

here are some highlights.
- fri night beautiful services with an amazing songleading team in the beit am
- songsession rocked it and israeli dance - well, let's just say, i learned and relearned quite a few
- writing sessions with the oldest and youngest campers - both had very important things to say!
- havdallah - Jewish Chicks Rock-style
and then, of course, the concert!!!!!

At the concert, campers were going MESHUGA'AT!

And here are some of the older campers working on their original
song about being themselves!!

Thanks so much, CLC!
Rock out the rest of your summer!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

teaser from Crane Lake Camp

Well, I know a post is still pending from Capital Camps - just waiting to get approval for the video clips, but I couldn't wait to post this pic of an adorable little Jewish Chick Rocker writing an original song for Glenn.

I mean really....

That's Molly Cohen, daughter of Crane Lake Camp's director, Debby Shriber!

Stay tuned for workshop and concert highlights from tonight!

Shabbat Shalom

Friday, July 16, 2010

Capital Camps - rocked da house

Woosh - back from Israel and already had a fantastic residency at Capital Camps. I think Glenn and I worked with almost every age group.

Not only was the staff fantastic - shout out to all the unit heads and counselors who jumped right in with their kids in our sessions - but the creativity all the way from the Benjamin 3-4th grade girls on up to the LITs and CITs was amazing!

Campers created music with a message - everything from needing to "unplug" for the summer, to not standing "idly by" when someone is hurting or in need. And the 6th and 7th Grade boys have made commitments to fight "stereotyping" in their bunks and beyond!

Here are a couple of examples of the amazing work these campers (and staff) did!

Benjamin 3-4th Grade girls are MESHUGA'AT!

LIT/CIT's work on recording their Chorus... and their reaction!

Here are the Reich 6-7th grade Girls working on a dedication to someone who's made an impact in their lives, as part of "The Real Me" acoustic concert/workshop.

SPECIAL TODAH RABBAH to Julie Finkelstein, Jon Shappy Shapiro, Hunter Gold, Karen Bernstein, Elana Kagan and David Phillips for being incredible hosts and to the numerous other staff members who helped us - too many to name - TODAH RABBAH!

Oh, and of course to Jared - for helping us shlep all of the equipment back and forth up and down the mountain! You Rock!

NEXT STOP: Crane Lake Camp and Eisner Camp!
Shabbat Shalom....